Families + Children

The Dolphin Academy | Indoor Swim Lessons for 6 months and Up

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At Dolphin Academy Swim School, it is not a class you sign up for in the summer – it is an ongoing program you can choose to enroll your child in at any point (as long as there is an opening!). They specialize in offering year-round small group instruction in a fun, challenging and creative environment. They will teach your child about competitive swimming, water safety and recreational swimming!

One year old baby girl in a green and white lace outfit during her one year cake smash session in Augusta, GA Dolphin Academy

Dolphin Academy


Dolphin Academy has three different options for your children: group lessons ($27/lesson), dolphin baby ($27/lesson) or dolphin team ($32/lesson). While both group and dolphin baby lessons are 30 minutes, dolphin team lessons are 45 minute lessons.

Swim Class Offerings

For those with littles 6 months to 3 years of age, the dolphin baby classes would be perfect for you. As a parent/child class, your little will learn breath control, kicking techniques, songs and games to help them get comfortable as well as body positioning. Since parents are involved in this class, it is a great introduction to water while your little is still comfortable with you.

For group lessons and dolphin team, there are five different levels of swimming skills: tadpoles, minnow-1, minnow-2, Orcas and Barracudas. As they progress through the five levels they will start out with the basics and work up to smooth Freestyle with bilateral breathing, smooth backstroke, Butterfly, breaststroke and starting diving.

Why Dolphin Academy

Dolphin Academy is more than just your summer swim lessons, they will focus on helping your child become confident in and around water. The teachers spend many hours learning, training and shadowing other senior teachers before starting a class of their own. They are taught how to utilize props, special equipment and imagination to help keep the child’s interest.

Since 2004, Dolphin Academy has been under the management of Amy Ristroph who has taught swimming lessons for the past 29 years. Her combination of her  Early Childhood Education degree along with her swim team knowledge from college and beyond, she is the perfect leader to help guide your children to be the best they can in the water.

Sign Up + Contact

Once you are ready to sign your child up for swim lessons, start here by selecting their level of skill. From there, it will suggest which age groups your child should be in. It will also talk about how often classes are given, pricing and if there is any availability for your little one.

Worried about your little not having the appropriate swim stuff for lessons, they have a fully stocked shop that will provide ample offerings for your child’s swimsuit, goggles, ear coverings and more.

If you have questions about their offerings, they can be reached at (706) 922-4530 or through their website here.

Located in Evans, near the Academy Sports, Dolphin Academy is an easy spot to get in and out of for all your swimming needs.

One year old singing with mom during her cake smash session

Dolphin Academy

Whether you are looking to start your 6 month or 6 year old, Dolphin Academy is a great option for affordable, indoor swim lessons all year long. Through classes once a week, your little one will soon be comfortable in and around the water and swimming better than you imagined!

Swim Lessons in Augusta, GA

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