Families + Children

The Baby Dietitian | The perfect nutritional resource for all mamas!

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From first introduction of foods to picky eating, Cinthia Scott, RD, CLC with The Baby Dietitian is the best resource for all CSRA mamas. Cinthia offers many services to help mamas with many common feeding concerns and issues. Check out my recent Q&A below to learn all about The Baby Dietitian | The perfect nutritional resource for all mamas!

6 month old baby boy chewing on his finger during his augusta milestone session. Baby will see The Baby Dietitian once he starts baby food.

When did you start The Baby Dietitian? What inspired the start of your small business?

The Baby Dietitian three years ago. I wanted to find a way to be able to work from home and spend more time with my children. I put incredible long days and hours into establishing my business and expanding my reach on social media to eventually have a super engaged social media community and be able to work from home doing what I love.

6 month old baby boy enjoying laying in his basket during his photoshoot.

How long have you been a business? Who do you serve?

I serve parents and caregivers who need evidence based support on how to promote optimal nutrition from infancy into toddlerhood. I am a pediatric dietitian and certified lactation counselor. Breastfeeding, formula feeding, starting solids, picky eating, and overall general nutrition/health for children under four years of age is just a few things I teach and focus my education on.

Baby boy laying in his basket during his augusta milestone and family session. Baby will see The Baby Dietitian once he gets older.

What does it look like to work with you? How can we shop with you or support your small business? 

I work in a group setting with mothers/caregivers who are starting their child on solids in my Self-Paced Starting Solids Course. A 1:1 setting with caregivers and children who need an extra layer of support with breastfeeding, starting solids, food allergies, failure to thrive, weight concerns, and picky eating is also a service I offer. I offer many helpful freebies and products that help make feeding baby easier on my website. I also am co-author of an evidence based baby-led feeding guide called 101beforeone which shows parents how to serve nutrient dense meals safely to their babies six months+.

Follow along with Cinthia on her Facebook page for great tips, tricks and how to work with her!

6 Month old baby boy in bassinet during his augusta milestone and family session.

Is there anything else you would like to be included about your business?

I offer tons of free information on my tiktok and instagram account. I can be found at @the.baby.dietititian.

sweet baby boy laying in his wicker basket during his mielstone session.

The Baby Dietitian | The perfect nutritional resource for all mamas!

If you are looking for a resource to help with a one-time question or a more advanced 1:1 coaching, make sure to reach out to Cinthia Scott, RD, CLC with The Baby Dietitian so she can assist you and your sweet little one! Even if your little one is now a toddler, Cinthia will still be a great resource for you!

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