
Magnolia Chiropractic | Interview with Dr. Robyn Hawkins Merritt

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Whether you are a first time mom or mom of six, visiting a chiropractor for both you and your little ones can have so many great health benefits! Check out my recent interview with Dr. Robyn Hawkins Merritt at Magnolia Chiropractic below.

During an in-studio motherhood session, captured mom holding her baby boy.

Interview with Dr. Robyn Hawkins Merritt from Magnolia Chiropractic

Why did you become a Chiropractor?

From an early age, I knew that I wanted a career where I could help people and serve others. While working on my undergraduate studies to pursue a career in nursing, I worked part-time in a chiropractic office. My dad was a patient and he constantly raved about chiropractic and how it has made a positive impact on his life. I was also observing the changes I saw in each patient and was intrigued by the holistic and proactive approach to health that chiropractic embraced. I chose to switch gears and enrolled at Sherman College of Chirorpactic in Spartanburg, SC.​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​

It wasn’t until I was in chiropractic school that I learned how beneficial chiropractic can be for expecting mothers and children. Being able to care for these populations quickly became a passion of mine. Since then, I have made it my mission as a chiropractor is to help patients discover a means of wellness-based healthcare. My goal is to help patients enjoy the things they love by actively participating in their health.

How long have you been a Chiropractor? Where have you practiced? What type of training and certifications do you have? 

Five years total; practiced in North Augusta before we opened our office, Magnolia Chiropractic, here in Augusta; certified in the Webster technique for prenatal chiropractic care, extra courses are taken to care for babies and children, and a member of the ICPA (organization for chiropractors specializing in prenatal and pediatric chiro care)

Do you practice solo, or are you a part of a team?

I co-own Magnolia Chiropractic with another doctor!

Can you explain what it looks like to get adjusted with you through pregnancy and the benefits?

Chiropractic adjustments during pregnancy are very gentle and safe. The techniques and equipment used allows for moms to be effectively adjusted while remaining in a neutral and comfortable position. I also have special pregnancy pillows that have a hole cut out in the middle so that moms can lay comfortably, much like a hammock for the baby belly. Chiropractic works wonders during pregnancy. Some of the benefits include:​​​​​​​​ less back pain/sciatica and pelvic pain, improved sleep​​​​​​, increased comfort, better posture, correct pelvic position for optimal fetal positioning​​​​​​​​, maintaining a healthier pregnancy​​​​​​​​, promotes proper development of baby​​​​​​​​, and supports an easier labor and birth.

Can you explain what it looks like to get adjusted with a new baby and the benefits?

Chiropractic adjustments for babies look much different than adjustments for adults. We use gentle, sustained pressure using the fingertip. The amount of pressure during the adjustment is less than what you would use when checking the ripeness of an avocado. 80% of brain development occurs by the age of 3. So starting chiropractic care early is a great way to positively impact your growing baby’s health. The benefits of chiropractic care for newborns can include: supports physical development, improved sleep, supports developmental milestones, promotes proper spinal alignment, supports neurological development, and can help improve mood & temperament.

Do you have any other information you would like to share with potential Magnolia Chiropractic clients?

Postpartum chiropractic care is also very important. Recovering after birth takes time and energy. Oftentimes it’s so easy for moms to focus all of that energy into her new baby. But making sure that mom is taken care of during that fourth trimester is vital.

During pregnancy, your posture changes for 9 months to make room for your growing baby. After birth, your body slowly starts to return to its pre-baby state and should be supported just as it was during pregnancy. Chiropractic helps to realign the spine and restore pelvic balance. You also have new physical demands that arise when caring for your new little one due to feeding, holding, and rocking your baby. Chiropractic care can help to support your transition into motherhood by helping to relieve neck/upper back pain, improve sleep, support the healing process, and increase mobility/range of motion.

Smiles all around in this close up image of mom looking down at her adorable little boy.

Robyn Hawkins Merritt from Magnolia Chiropractic

While you are looking for a prenatal chiropractor, I would love to chat with you all about your pregnancy and newborn portrait needs!


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