
Birth Center in Columbia SC | Highly-Rated Birth Centers in Columbia

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When considering where to deliver your precious new baby, there are so many factors to consider. Such as, location, ob-staff, visitation hours, neonatal intensive care unit, prenatal classes as well as high-risk certifications. Interested in what your choices are in Columbia? Check out the article below for all about Birth Center in Columbia SC | Highly-Rated Birth Centers in Columbia.

Newborn baby boy looking at the camera during his columbia sc newborn session. Sweet baby is wearing an outfit that was his dads.

The Birthplace at Prisma Health Richland Hospital

From prenatal classes to postpartum care, The Birthplace at Prisma Health Richland Hospital offers a full range of care for women and their new babies. With all of the latest treatment and diagnostic methods, they pride themselves in giving women the best possible birth experience. 

A few features of The Birthplace at Prisma Health Richland Hospital include separate labor, delivery and recovery rooms, a high-risk OB unit, surgical suites for a caesarean, and a triage area for when you first arrive. After birth, they focuses on keeping mom and baby together. They encourage nurses coming into the room to take care of baby so there is no separation with mom. 

If your precious little one needs a little extra love after their birth, there is a 69-bed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit known as the NICU. They have all of the latest technology and equipment to allow them to the be Midlands Regional Perinatal Center. This center cares for the 16 counties located near them.  While your little one is in the NICU, they offers a parent educator that will help prepare for baby to come home. This may include CPR classes, safe sleep practices and similar classes. 

Being Baby-Friendly is very important for The Birthplace at Prisma Health Richland Hospital. This simply means that they encourage baby rooming-in with mom as well as lots of skin-to-skin contact. They also have a full lactation service staff on hand to help.

Whether you are having your first or fifth, the staff, nurses and everyone at The Birthplace at Prisma Health Richland Hospital will provide you with the best birth experience possible. When researching which Birth Center in Columbia SC to delivery at, make sure to tour The Birthplace at Prisma Health Richland Hospital.

Family of three sharing a smile during their newborn session in Columbia, SC. Mom delivered at a Birth Center in Columbia SC

Lexington Medical Center: Labor & Delivery

As one of the top award winning hospitals, Lexington Medical Center delivers over 3,000 new babies each year.  Lexington Medical Center offers a variety of video tours as well as childbirth classes on their website. You can also pre-register for your delivery to prevent any extra work when it is go time!

When you arrive for delivery, you will be greeted by the triage team. The delivery suites are spacious and comfortable and designed to support, you, your spouse and your new baby.  Lexington Medical Center focuses on baby staying in your room after delivery. They will bring the nurses, exams and anything they need to you so you can bond with your baby. If you would like a few minutes to shower or rest, your baby will be safely in the nursery. 

If your little one is born after 32 weeks and needs a little extra love and support, Lexington Medical Center has a 20-bed level II special care nursery. This nursery has many nurses trained in neonatal advanced life support as well as many well-trained doctors to care for your baby. 

After your baby is born, Lexington Medical Center offers lactation assistance for in the hospital as well as follow up appointments once you are home. They also offer postpartum doulas to assist you with breastfeeding support, newborn care and household duties. 

When doing your research of which birth center in Columbia SC to delivery at, make sure to tour Lexington Medical Center.

Precious family of five sharing their first family portrait during their inhome newborn session in Columbia, SC. Mom used a Birth Center in Columbia SC
Baby boy showing off his read hair just like his daddy!

Birth Center in Columbia SC | Highly-Rated Birth Centers in Columbia

Taking everything into consideration to determine where to deliver your next one, make sure you schedule a tour of each location. As a mama of four little children, you will just feel at home at one location and that is where you should deliver! For us, having four NICU babies, that was the single most important decision when reviewing birth centers similar to the Birth Center in Columbia SC.

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